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Page 35

  They all stood still for a few moments, taking in the blessed normality of it all. People were strolling down the main street, chatting and stopping occasionally to greet friends. A little boy was bowling his hoop. An old man was walking with his dog on a lead. A pretty young woman was smiling up at her escort, who seemed equally besotted with her.

  ‘Yes, it is a lovely evening,’ Pandora said quietly. ‘This is what I wanted to return to Lancashire for. Let’s walk your mother and sister home, Zachary love, then we’ll go back to the shop.’

  At the house door, Mrs Carr gave her a hug and a kiss. ‘I’m glad my son’s met you, lass. Welcome to the family.’

  Hallie gave her a big hug, too.

  ‘You’ll be all right?’ Zachary asked her.

  ‘I’ll be fine now I know Harry Prebble’s locked away.’

  As they walked towards the shop, Pandora felt as if the world had settled into its rightful place around her. She was home, in Lancashire, with the man she loved.

  When they reached the shop, they found it had closed early and the house door was locked. ‘I’ve not got my keys.’ Pandora smiled as she rapped on the door.

  Dot came to open it, beaming at the sight of them. ‘Thank goodness you’re both safe. Daniel came round to tell me what had happened and then he stayed with me to make sure I was all right.’

  ‘I think we’re all a lot safer now,’ Zachary said.

  ‘They really have got that Harry Prebble locked up?’

  ‘Yes. And I think he’ll be in prison for a very long time. He’s been stealing and frightening people. The woman he was with confessed everything because she was so angry at him for not caring if he left her behind.’

  He stopped at the foot of the stairs. ‘Is there anything to eat, Dot? I’m ravenous.’

  This request, so typical of him, made Pandora smile. ‘You’ll find your new master’s got a hearty appetite, Dot.’

  The maid smiled. ‘I’ll fetch you something up at once, sir. I put a stew on and kept it simmering low.’

  When she’d gone, Zachary put his arm round his wife’s waist and they walked slowly up the stairs together.

  ‘Welcome to your new home,’ she said softly.

  At the top he stopped, glancing down to make sure the door to the kitchen was closed. He pulled Pandora towards him and gave her a lingering kiss.

  She nestled against him, then a sound down in the kitchen made them draw apart.

  ‘We’ll leave the rest for later,’ he said with a smile. ‘Now, show me round my new home, Pandora love. I’ve only ever seen the parlour before.’

  When Dot brought up a heavy tray a few minutes later, she said, ‘Oh, I forgot to tell you. Miss Blair has moved back to her cousins’ until she marries Mr Dawson.’

  She had their full attention now.

  ‘She’s going to marry Mr Dawson?’ Pandora asked.

  ‘Yes. It was lovely to see them both looking so happy. She deserves to be happy. She’s a lovely lady.’ Dot took out a handkerchief and blew her nose hard.

  ‘I’m delighted for them.’

  ‘Well, I’ll leave you to start your meal, ma’am. I’ve got a pudding ready to serve when you ring the bell.’

  Pandora watched with pleasure as Zachary cleared his plate and then ate two helpings of apple pie and cream.

  He saw her smiling and chuckled. ‘I’ve got my appetite back now those I love are safe.’

  After Dot had cleared the table, however, Pandora felt unaccountably shy. She looked at her husband, wondering if he felt the same.

  ‘Do you want to sit and chat for a while?’ he asked.

  She took her courage in both hands. ‘No, let’s go to bed. I love to lie in your arms. I’ve missed that so much.’

  ‘I love to hold you.’

  The room was filled with soft candlelight as they undressed and the bed was the most comfortable they’d ever shared.

  All shyness fell away as they kissed, murmured and embraced one another, so that it seemed the most natural and wonderful thing in the world to make love at last.

  She sighed with pleasure as she lay in his arms afterwards. ‘Cassandra told me once that if I truly loved my husband, I’d enjoy loving his body as well as his mind.’ She raised one hand to caress his face, idly tracing a line down it. ‘She was right. Dearest Zachary, how much time we’ve wasted!’

  ‘We’ll not waste any more.’ He kissed her again.


  In October, Cassandra and Reece found a letter waiting for them when they went to church, because all mail for the district was delivered to the shop in whose barn the church service was held.

  Her eyes lit up as she saw the handwriting. ‘It’s from Pandora. Look how nice and thick it is. I’ll just have a peep at the first page before the service starts.’

  She opened the envelope and found a short letter, then a sort of diary explaining in detail what had happened to Pandora and Zachary since she left the farm.

  ‘She’s sounds so happy!’ Cassandra exclaimed. She scanned the letter quickly then reread it more slowly. ‘I shan’t worry about her half as much now she’s safe in England. I really liked Zachary.’

  Her baby daughter made her annoyance at being neglected known and Cassandra had to attend to her before she could do anything else.

  She bent her head in prayer, but a tear slipped down her cheek. She was happy for Pandora, of course she was, but she missed her sister so much.

  She felt a touch on her arm and turned her head sideways to see Maia looking at her anxiously. ‘I’m all right,’ she whispered. ‘Just thinking of Pandora.’

  Maia nodded and turned to look at Xanthe, who was staring out of the window. Cassandra followed her sister’s gaze and sighed. Xanthe was getting very restless. Would she be the next to leave?

  Shaking her head she banished those worries and cuddled her daughter close, feeling Reece’s hand on her arm, knowing that all was as right with her world as it could be.

  Tonight she’d read the whole diary aloud to her husband and Kevin, then she’d sleep by Reece’s side. Tomorrow they’d have more than enough work to keep them busy.

  She’d worry about the twins when she had to. For the moment, she’d enjoy her life and family.


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  About the Author

  Anna Jacobs grew up in Lancashire and emigrated to Australia, but still visits the UK regularly to see her family and do research, something she loves. Her novel PRIDE OF LANCASHIRE won the Australian Romantic Book of the Year Award in 2006.

  Also by Anna Jacobs


  Salem Street

  High Street

  Ridge Hill

  Hallam Square

  Spinners Lake


  Our Lizzie

  Our Polly

  Our Eva

  Our Mary Ann


  A Pennyworth of Sunshine />
  Twopenny Rainbows

  Threepenny Dreams


  Lancashire Lass

  Lancashire Legacy


  Down Weavers Lane

  Calico Road


  Pride of Lancashire

  Star of the North

  Bright Day Dawning

  Heart of the Town


  Farewell to Lancashire



  Like No Other

  Tomorrow’s Promises

  Yesterday’s Girl

  Freedom’s Land

  Table of Contents

  Beyond the Sunset




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22


  Contact Anna

  About the Author

  Also by Anna Jacobs